DuraTech Takes Another Step Forward with Automated Screen Production
We have recently taken a big leap forward in the world of screen production with our addition of the Lüscher JetScreen! LT. This machine is considered to be one of the best models available for automated screen production. We purchased the Lüscher JetScreen! LT in December of 2021. By August 2022, we had it fully automated… March 6, 2023
The Future of Automation: Printed Electronics & Printed Sensors
“Meet George Jetson.” “His boy Elroy” “Daughter Judy” “Jane his Wife” “Their dog Astro” Smart home automation concept on virtual screen. Did we just catch you singing the theme song to the hit cartoon, “The Jetsons” of the 60s and 80’s era? If so, you recall watching (probably with a curious mind) the futuristic cartoon… July 22, 2020