How to program an NFC tag

How to program an NFC tag in 7 easy steps

Step 1

Download and install the NXP App from Google Play Store or Apple App Store depending on your phone brand.

Step 2

Open up your App and touch “Write tags”

Step 3

Choose the option “New dataset”

Step 4

Choose the “Link” option shown below.  This is also referred to as a URL for a website.

Step 5

Enter the website below as you would if you were entering it into a web browser. Click Save and Write.

Step 6

You will be presented with the screen below. If you want to program more than one tag, check the “Write multiple NFC tags (one by one). The confirm overwrite option is a good idea to leave checked as it also shows you any previous contents the tag may have on it.

When you are ready, tap the blue WRITE button below.

Step 7

Now hold your phone’s NFC antenna over the tag you want to program and the app will send the information you entered above into the tag.

You can then close your app, and read the tag normally to open up the website!